Bevor wir uns am Wochenende die Tardy Brothers zum Interview krallen wollen wir kundtun, dass das neue Album der Lautmacher aus dem sonnigen Florida namens "Inked in blood" am 28.10.2014 offiziell das Licht der Welt erblickt. Dazu gibt es jetzt schon vorab die Tracklist und das in unseren Augen exzellente Coverartwork zu bestaunen.
01. Centuries Of Lies
02. Violent By Nature
03. Pain Inside
04. Visions In My Head
05. Back On Top
06. Violence
07. Inked In Blood
08. Deny You
09. Within A Dying Breed
10. Minds Of The World
11. Out Of Blood
12. Paralyzed With Fear
die Band kommentiert:
"We have been writing and working on the new material for nearly three years now and we could not be more excited how these songs have all turned out. All the stars seem to have aligned for us and this release, with the songs, production and overall feel of this record, the band is more solid than ever."
Die Kohle für die Scheibe wurde durch eine Crowdfunding Kampagne reingeholt, sprich die Fans haben der Band die Aufnahmen bezahlt. Dazu hat man mit Relapse Records einen neuen Vertriebspartner gefunden, was von den Jungs wie folgt kommentiert wird:
"We always knew that our fans were some of the most devoted fans on the planet and they proved it by stepping up, being a part of something new and supporting us with our Kickstarter campaign," says the band. "This was an amazing display of true fan support and we could not be more proud of everyone who helped raise the money to record this album by pre-ordering it, buying all the cool stuff we offered and just being a part of something that we believe will be the way of the future. Now we have teamed up with Relapse Records to have them get this new album out there, in stores and available to the fans worldwide.
We are very excited about our partnership with Relapse and are looking forward to working beside them with the release. They are a great label and super-cool people who have shown us that they are excited to have OBITUARY on their roster and are ready to push this album to its fullest potential."
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