Die Egyptian Death Metaller geben auf ihrer Facebook-Seite den Ausstieg von Sänger Thot und Gitarrist Scarad bekannt. Scarad äußerte sich dazu wie fogt:
"I've decided to leave the band some month ago. So yesterday I played my last show together with my beloved band mates. It really was no easy decision to leave this huge bunch of experience and memories behind. But it feels completely right to go this way. If I look on to the last 8 years, there's one thing I can definitely say: Live's never stop changing! And that's the cause. MAAT is the deity of truth, balance and harmony, and to be sincere to this concept it is the right way for to leave the band.
There are so much things that have changed in my live, I have grown inside a lot and want to face new things that have become more important for me. [...] The tattooed band logo on my arm is a sign of honor for me. It reminds me that this will always be a part of me. I bow to you my friends! Thank you! -Scarad"
Eins der Markenzeichen der Berliner war vor allem die Stimme von Thot. Wir hoffen auf baldigen Ersatz, damit die Jungs an ihr Erdolgsalbum "Monuments Will Enslave" aus dem Vorjahr anknüpfen können.
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